'Be concerned with all that is true, all that is worthy of respect, all that is good and pure, all that is worth loving and all that is worthy of honor.'
Filippenzen, 4:8
What kind of missions can Finchiron perform?
Providing high quality compliance advice and compliance decision making
Developing and executing SIRA, Compliance frameworks, KYC/AML frameworks, payment screening.
Comprehensive expertise of the (Dutch) regulatory environment, among other things: Wft, Wtt, Wwft, SW, GDPR, Solvency II, PSD2 and PFMI.
Optimizing the compliance management function in order to create customer value and ensure that processes are organized digitally and efficient.
Maintain contacts with regulators.
Available as Chief Compliance Officer, Compliance manager or Consultant.
Building bridges between first and second line.
Practical approach to problem-solving.
Drive enhanced efficiency and client service in all risk and compliance processes.